Daylight Symposium
- “Happy people in healthy architecture” by Lone Wiggers
2019 - Daylight Symposium
“Happy people in healthy architecture” by Lone Wiggers
Lone Wiggers
Architect maa & Partner
C.F. Møller
Lecture from the 7th VELUX Daylight Symposium “Healthy & climate-friendly architecture– from knowledge to practice” that took place in Berlin on 3-4 May 2017. For more information visit http://thedaylightsite.com
With the development of both public and private buildings in the modern sustainable welfare state Denmark, the discussion of “value for money” becomes rooted in what are the driving goals for living and working in modern architecture. We have an obligation to look at ideal long term effects for the users, when creating tomorrows buildings, for instance looking at what elements in architecture makes us learn more in our schools and keeps us more healthy in life. The intelligent buildings with this built-in sustainability for the users can physically and ultimately have an impact on people’s happiness.
The use of daylight and other green measures, as design drivers for modern architecture, is linked to the movement of “evidence-based design”, that implement modern research results on the wellbeing effects on humans, into the creation of space. Lone Wiggers will give examples of how her office, C.F. Møller Architects, is working with evidence based designs in public buildings such as the Technical Faculty of the University of Odense, The Medical Faculty Building, “The Mærsk tower”, for the University of Copenhagen, as well as examples of integration of daylight and nature into the development of modern hospital design.
Lone Wiggers is an architect maa and has been partner since 1997 in C.F. Møller, at present with a staff of approx. 325 employees divided between six departments in Aarhus, Aalborg, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm and London. Lone Wiggers has taken part in a large number of projects with a broadness ranging from housing, domiciles, schools, senior institutions, hospitals, museums to planning and design. The projects have been conducted as sketching, project supervisor and design responsible partner. Furthermore, Lone Wiggers has participated in various professional associations as teacher, censor, speaker and chairman of among others the public art society’s architectural board and the Ministry of Culture’s canon. Lone believes in fundamental architectural values, such as: Man in the center, The spirit of Place (Genius Loci), Sustainability in all aspects, timelessness, sensibility in form, space, order and matter, as well as Culture, history and innovation combined.