2021 - Compass Stage
Martin Haas on communities | Pecha Kucha
Martin Haas
haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050
Martin Haas from haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050 focuses on developing carbon neutral buildings. They examine the building industry, because they want to have constructions that are better, more simple and make use of better technology.
The main goal for Haas is to develop a “circular economy”, which is the epitome of re-using, re-covering and using as many natural and renewable building materials as possible. This goes hand in hand with the reduction of carbon footprints, which is subject to constant analysis. Haas presents a few interventions in building that are in agreement with his studio’s creed: insulation with recycled waste form the glass industry or rammed earth facades. In the end, Haas concludes that a learning of his work so far has been: “to work with nature, design as simple as possible, work locally, check what advantages we have in terms of microclimatic situations, embed technology to allow for renewable energy for future generations, build for many persons, work reversible, and build beautiful.”