2023 - Articles


Thermal Delight - Build for Life Hackathon 2023


Rhea Lee Bøgeholt Revier

Dania Pharaon

Magdalena Stefanowicz

Chenxuan Zhan

How do we deal with the warmer climate of the future when our residential buildings already have overheating issues today? 

Studies imply Copenhagen will be as warm as Paris in the near future. At the same time 12.3% of people living in residential buildings built after the 2000s already have overheating issues today. This means that Denmark will be facing a cooling demand in the near future. We have discussed how we can answer this need in passive ways by giving occupants a feeling of control over his or her indoor environment. The idea is based on research showing that simply by giving an occupant the feeling of control, he or she has a wider thermal comfort range. Therefore, we suggest integrating notification systems in existing weather apps to educate and alert occupants during heat waves. In this way, occupants can take the necessary precautions when they wake up in the  morning and see a notification on their phone saying Its going to be hot today, so remember to draw your curtains before leaving for work.