VELUX Still Sasso Nero

2021 - Articles

Daylight in Architecture

Searching for Daylight - The Complex Simplicity Episode with Helmut Stifter and Angelika Bachmann


Stifter+Bachmann Resized

Helmut Stifter & Angelika Bachmann

Stifter & Bachmann Architects

At VELUX, we never stop searching for daylight. Along with these renowned architects and building designers, we welcome you on our search — to how we can build a better future for people and planet.


The search for daylight climbs to a peak in the Italian Alps, where Helmut Stifter and Angelika Bachmann have built a one-of-a-kind mountain hut with a view well worth the hike. Here, daylight bridges the gap between complexity and simplicity; nature and design.