What if by rethinking the way we design, plan, and finance homes we could unlock housing for the many?
We typically think of sustainable architecture as expensive to produce and to purchase. But with Living Places, our ambition is to create homes that are sustainable, high quality, and commercially viable.
By setting a benchmark for a typical home in the region and using the pricing level of public housing as a starting point, Living Places aims to rethink the entire building process to lessen the impact that homes have on the planet.
This isn’t about creating a signature showpiece architecture project, but rather to provide a long-term solution that can adapt to people’s lives and offer viable business opportunities for builders and architects across the world.
A smart, scalable solution
The average Danish family typically only uses 37% of the space in their home regularly. All this unused space costs time and money in repairs and upkeep.
Living Places aims to put an end to this, with affordable houses designed to use space in a more efficient way, therefore making them less expensive in maintenance and running costs. Shared outdoor areas reduce equipment expenses and time used for upkeep. Shared green mobility reduces costs associated car ownership.
This flexible approach makes it easy to scale, enabling a building system that is both affordable and sustainable.