19 Jun 2024

New Living Places Book shares our learnings for more sustainable and healthy buildings

Since opening in 2023, Living Places has started a ripple effect across the building industry with an innovative approach to home construction that benefits both people and planet.

The newly published Living Places book "Living Places: Principles and Insights for a New Way of Thinking Buildings" shares our insights, principles, data and solutions for a new way of thinking buildings with. contributions from colleagues across VELUX and comprehensive insights into Living Places from the project’s main partners, scientific experts, and industry professionals.

The Living Places Book represents the latest iteration of the VELUX legacy. It is based on two decades of learning and innovation that pushes for healthier and more sustainable building practices through full-scale experiments, while monitoring these buildings in use.

The Living Places book takes an open-source approach to sharing the knowledge gained by all partners throughout the entire Living Places experience. Beginning with the ways of working and transformative partnerships, the book unfolds the Living Places concept through its principles and People and Planet Methodology and finishes with an explorative review of the first prototype Living Places Copenhagen.

Whether you are an experienced architect, a building industry professional, or just curious about the possibilities of sustainable and healthy building practices - this book has something for everyone.

The book is filled with detailed diagrams, infographics, hand-drawn sketches, and stunning photos from renowned architecture photographer Adam Mørk that provides readers with the inspiration they need to ‘do it themselves.’ 

"This book is meant to be worked with, analysed, sketched on, and used to inspire change within the industry and the buildings of the future"

Lone Feifer, Director of Sustainable Buildings


We believe that the wealth of sustainable innovation should be shared – and that wider change is driven through interdisciplinary conversation and collaboration.  

In the words of Lars Kann-Rasmussen, son of the VELUX founder, who highlights ‘the power of the example and the experiment' in the book’s preface, we hope that the knowledge within the Living Places book further inspires the building industry and continues to ripple throughout the industry and wider society to rethink buildings for the benefit of people and planet.