24 Oct 2022

Living Places Copenhagen is now in production

Together with our partners EFFEKT, Artelia, and Enemærke & Petersen, we have started producing the seven Living Places prototypes – five open pavilions and two completed homes – which will showcase our proposition for healthy low carbon homes and communities.


The buildings are being pre-fabricated to optimise the building process, scalability, adaptivity and the environmental aspects of the experiment.


“The process of prefabrication can help to lower emissions by reducing material use and material waste while also making the process more efficient,” - said Tina Lund Højgaard, Architect MAA at EFFEKT.


With a focus on the natural - the selection of building materials has been vital to ensure Living Places is ambitious in lowering the carbon footprint of the experiment while making an affordable project with an ideal indoor climate.






“We don’t have to wait for the advancement of technology to accomplish this. The materials and technology in Living Places are available right now for the building industry to create responsible solutions,”

- said Lone Feifer, Director of Sustainable Buildings at VELUX.






Launching in 2023, first manifestation of Living Places will be displayed at Jernbanebyen, the old Danish rail district in Copenhagen. Each prototype will have its own specific program curated to show the synergy between how we live in homes, in communities, and the role of buildings herein.


The project is part of the VELUX sustainability strategy and our commitment to take practical action and visible leadership in accelerating green transition of the built environment.

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